Showing posts from 2010
Dream... its Really my Dream !!!!!
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Sathish IITR
u kno wat... Im not gonna write abt my Ambitions,Goals blah blah sort of Dreams.... Im really gonna Write about the Dream i had 2day in sleep... :D :D :D I usually forget evrything dat happened in dreams... wen i wake up... But to my goodness.. 2day i remembr my dream !!! so thought of sharing it on my blog... :D... Disclaimers plz Forgive.. :P 2day in my wat so called ODD Hours of sleep frm evening 6 to 9.. i had a wonderful dream wher i travelled back to my schooldays...that is 10long years back n played Cricket with my schoolmates. I wonder how i recollected all their names so perfectly in my dream... ohv.... shaayad... my sub-concious memory power is still working fine for me... :D Gone were the days... wen we used to play Cricket in 45mins lunch break Completing our lunch in jus 15mins! Gone were the days... wen we used to Fight for 50ps Samosa's at the School's Main Gate in 10mins break!! Gone were the days... Wen we used to play Pichi Banthi with ...
Whom do I wanna b in d Next Birth?????
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Sathish IITR

oh yeah.... Its about the 1s who Inspired me all throughout My Life.... I met many Frnds...many Relatives...many Wellwishers... bt Few r right up ther in d list of my Most Cherished n Admired Personalities... Probably I become like them Some day.... though it's Impossible.. :( 1. Yeah...It's my Dad !!! Probably evry1's inspiration starts from within his/her Family.. My dad's Love is d Most Cherished 1 for Me... He used to say to me only 1 thing..."Sathish, Do Somthing which i cudn't do in my Past". It is his words of love n care dat make me think.."kaaash, main bhi ek din dad ki tarah kisise pyaar kar sakun..." I always take Decisions which succeed most of the times! But Very few actually knows d fact dat it is my dad's Decision Makin Power which i imbibed fortunately! I still Remembr the Days wen he used to take me to school on his bicycle Evryday.. U r Great Dad... Hope 1day, I become atleast 50% of wat u r.... I Love You D...
My Love/Hate 4 Bangalore......
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Sathish IITR
I stepped into The Garden City of India with lots of Hopes n Expections to start a brand new phase of my Life....The CORPORATE LIFE... I had huge Xpectations on Bangalore... Hwever itz been a Huge let down for me till now... Banglore is Full of People...Malls.... Company Buses.... n Corporate Geeks..... Its a Run for Life Situation Evry mrng on the Roads of this Beautiful Karnataka Capital... Its only next to The Great Tirumala hills for me which is overcrowded Horribly... Im happy abt d fact that im gonna earn here... Bt im so sad dat i miss my Life at Roorkee... Being at the Centre of Northern India n at the FootHills of Himalayas.. We jus used to travel only 30mins to Enter into the mighty himalayas. But here, All I cud find is the Floow of Cars with intolerable Horen Sounds... I cant say dat I Hate Bangalore..coz I really donno how many yrs im gonna spending here.. But i can Definitely say dat I don Love dis City at all. I feel my Hometown to be Lot Better Dan This... Bad Luck Sat...
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Sathish IITR

Now that's What we Calll Maaass.... :P This pic was taken by my Juniors wen i toured with them to Sahasradhaara Dehradun... It was a wonderful trip wid 2 of my Juniours... We enjoyd Pizzas at Pizza Hut... Swimming at sahasrdhara... Gymnastics at Circus... n Ofcourse Giant Wheel Ride at Exhibition... We had WonderFull Time Together... Miss YOu All Guys....
Why Im Here????
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Sathish IITR
The Question dat needs a Perfect Answer, no matter hw imperfect it is!! I am One Lively Character on dis Planet who cares for no1, who loves no1, whoz nt emotional most of d time, who doesnt expose hmslf 2 ny1!! People say these things abt me....hwevr I Love n Respect those who study hard, those who r close to my hart n those who love my attitude... I nevr felt in need of a diary or a blog to express myself 2any1 as im always Over Expressive 2my loved Ones n dey love it... But dis blog is jus to console my soul.. console my innerself.... n console myself.. The Expressions, The words, The Comments etc etc., which im gonna write here are Solely My Personal Views n I dont Intend to Hurt any1.. Hope u got Some Idea abt Mr. Sathish Now.... :) nywayz... Welcome to my Blog... Sathishsofaar...has done Nothing in will b doin somethin in the Future... :) Welcome All To Sathish's Blog