Dream... its Really my Dream !!!!!

u kno wat... Im not gonna write abt my Ambitions,Goals blah blah sort of Dreams....
Im really gonna Write about the Dream i had 2day in sleep... :D :D :D

I usually forget evrything dat happened in dreams... wen i wake up... But to my goodness.. 2day i remembr my dream !!! so thought of sharing it on my blog... :D... Disclaimers plz Forgive.. :P

2day in my wat so called ODD Hours of sleep frm evening 6 to 9.. i had a wonderful dream wher i travelled back to my schooldays...that is 10long years back n played Cricket with my schoolmates. I wonder how i recollected all their names so perfectly in my dream... ohv.... shaayad... my sub-concious memory power is still working fine for me... :D

Gone were the days... wen we used to play Cricket in 45mins lunch break Completing our lunch in jus 15mins!

Gone were the days... wen we used to Fight for 50ps Samosa's at the School's Main Gate in 10mins break!!

Gone were the days... Wen we used to play Pichi Banthi with Badam Seeds... n the Worse Shirts with more Red marks were the Losers... :(

Coming back to my dream... 2day i played a Test Match... Goodness me! I dint bowl 2day though i was on Bowling Side.. :D We still played on the same pitch...on which v used to... Muddy Terrain...with Rail Tracks on 1side.. n Compound wall on our Backside!!! We used the Same set of wickets which is Rather BUILT with Bricks n Glass Pieces... The Funniest part is we were Trying to secure the Glass Pieces for a Cup of Free Tea at the End of the Match.. :D

We were worn out as the Batsmen were playing the match jus like the Test Match... Blocking.. Blocking... Blocking... eeee..... I was the Leg Slip jus beside Wicky Keeper... vuhahhaa... Funny right... :P

I was Really Trying hard callin my Teammates(my Schoolmates) by name and Encoraging them to get wickets... Suddenly the Smell of Wonderful Hyderabadi Biryani Struck my Breath.... the Smell was Mesmerizing n I was loosing myself in the Auroma of Biryani......ummmm........ Yummmy.......... n u kno Wat... Its not Dream... It's My Brother who was really eating Biryani sitting at the side of me wen i was having my wonderful Dream... Mummmmyyyyyyyy............. :( :( :( :(.......... ohv Crapppppp.................. :( :( :(

It's Really Unbelievable hw our Sub-Conscious Mind Works... I Always want to kno... wat happens wen v Sleep?
How do the Dreams come? Hw come we 4get evrything jus b4 we open our Eyes? Will the Brain ever take Rest?? blah blah blah.....

Any Doctor's here... plz Help Me find answers to atleast FEW... :(


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