& the New Year Begins

There is something special about these so called UPSC aspirants! They are special, psychic, irritated, over-knowledgeble, hardworking, strategists, variety, and ultimately screwed up ! For the entire world, Old year ends on Dec 31st and new year begins on 1st Jan. But for this variety species, of which i am a part of, ironically, Old year end when "Prev year marks are displayed" and New Year begins when "the Next Prelims starts" ! So, Happy new year folks and all the best for Prelims..

Before i sign off my 2012 attempt, my first one, I want to first of all thank Alka Sirohi mam for giving me 189 in interview. She tried her best to put me in the list. But the lethal combo of Geo n PubAd proved decisive and damaging. One final goodbye to Pub-Ad, subjct i loved so much, read so vast, written so well, and ended up getting so less ! 59+89 = 148 out of 600 is disapointing, but thank god i dint get Single digits as some of my fellow aspirants got unfortunately. That would have been depressing. I have so many positives to take out of previous year's attempt. But dear friends, without denying Hardwork, Strategy, Planning blah blah.. still you need that bit of LUCK.. of say some 50% :) to clear this civils. So apart from studying, keep your prayers floating in all temples all round the year.. We never know, which god comes to our help. :)

Here are my mains marks...


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