
Showing posts from October, 2023

Everything everywhere All at once... Oh yeah... Choices !

  So it's been long since I wrote something here. Few days back, I was watching this amazing Oscar movie " Everything Everywhere All at Once " on my recent flight and I couldn't resist writing this piece! The movie is about this middle-aged women living a mediocre life due to the choices she makes in life. The movie traverses through her choices in life and the alternate lives she could have lived had she made right decisions at the right times. Wow.... Let's get down to this !!! Life gives you choices... Almost all the time... And your current state of being is the result of the choices you made in the past.. Your past defines the present! Oh wait... Is that so? Well what about me? Did I make the right choices in my life? Is this the life I wanted to live? Or has I gone back in my life to see the alternate choices and probably..mmm... Probably....grabbed one now and living it? Do I regret my choices of past or do I celebrate them? Am I on top of the world right n...