Everything everywhere All at once... Oh yeah... Choices !
So it's been long since I wrote something here. Few days back, I was watching this amazing Oscar movie " Everything Everywhere All at Once " on my recent flight and I couldn't resist writing this piece! The movie is about this middle-aged women living a mediocre life due to the choices she makes in life. The movie traverses through her choices in life and the alternate lives she could have lived had she made right decisions at the right times. Wow.... Let's get down to this !!!
Life gives you choices... Almost all the time... And your current state of being is the result of the choices you made in the past.. Your past defines the present! Oh wait... Is that so? Well what about me? Did I make the right choices in my life? Is this the life I wanted to live? Or has I gone back in my life to see the alternate choices and probably..mmm... Probably....grabbed one now and living it? Do I regret my choices of past or do I celebrate them? Am I on top of the world right now or lurking in the depths of the sorrow? Am I happy or sad? Let me do some reality check myself !!!
There was a time not so long ago when I felt I had got everything in life. Happy. Satisfied. Absolutely no motivation to do something better as there was this feeling of reaching the mountain top! And to be honest, that was not wrong as I probably made very good choices in life till then... But but but... One fine day.. Life turned upside-down! I felt like there was nowhere to go, none to talk to, nothing to live for and absolutely nothing I could do about it... It was darkness all around.. The nights were scary... Days were tense...and believe me...Again the choices I made brought me back here... Very fast and Very Powerful and believe or not... The past choices which seemed very very good, started haunting like the fresh demons in my mind....However, it was the Wake Up call that I was waiting for... Wake up call to get up, go back to the drawing board, time travel to past, see the alternatives and change the things... When nothing goes right in your life, what do u do?... :-) As some wise man told "take charge and Go Left !!"
So thru the tides of highs and lows, from the depths of depression to the heights of ecstasy, everything is in your mind !!! Life gives you choices... If one choice goes wrong, life doesn't end.. It opens up new frontiers, new choices, new days and you rise like a phoenix from the ashes !!! However, to live through the choices and the alternates, all you need to do is to give it the Time. The power of time is incredible... It hurts, it heals, it let's you go back and set things right ! You can't change the past, but you can surely change your future and that's the power of time... Your present may be the whole sum of the choices you made in the past but your future is going to be the whole sum of the choices that you're gonna make Now... And the "Now is Here"... Sayonara !
Oh wait... Before I sign off, what actually did the time teach me? It says... It's temporary... The pain is temporary, the happiness is temporary, the Ups, the Downs, the sorrow, the ecstasy all temporary and We are temporary ! So love it, live it and stay in the moment !!!!
Celebrate the present with New hopes for FUTURE😊
ReplyDeleteEverything is temporary .......